
【作业】Unit 1 Understanding Hacking Drones 4-21

1、 问题:4-21随堂练习 在课文中找出对应科技类文章三个句法特征的3句话,说明为什么特征并翻译为中文。
评分规则: 【 三句话分别对应三个句法特征。特征对应正确。翻译正确。

Unit 1 Understanding Hacking Drones Quiz 1

1、 问题:Which is the correct explanation of “Achilles’ Heel” in this passage?
A:The name of one part of body
B:A deadly weakness or vulnerable point
C:A name of a character in a story
D:A mistake made by human being
答案: 【A deadly weakness or vulnerable point

2、 问题:What is the solution for the small drone to stay out of the way of other aircraft?
A:GPS system
B:Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast
D:Inertial guidance sensors
答案: 【Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast

3、 问题:Which is not the harm of spoofing to the drone?
A:Threating a GPS system
B:Jamming the signal from drone
C:Blocking reception of its navigation signals
D:Causing a pilot to die
答案: 【Causing a pilot to die

4、 问题: Compared to civil GPS, what is the serious problem of ADS-B to the drone?
A:It is expensive to access to
B: Its transmissions are not authenticated
C:It is hard to control
D: It is rarely used
答案: 【 Its transmissions are not authenticated

5、 问题:To maneuver a drone up, down, sideways or forward require three main communication links . Please match the name of the feature with the sentence.
A: Passive voice
C:Non-finite forms of verbs
D:None of the above
答案: 【Non-finite forms of verbs

6、 问题: By trying to adjust its location aloft based on erroneous data, the drone actually started to head directly toward the desert floor. Please match the name of the feature with the sentence.
A:Passive voice
C:Non-finite forms of verbs
D:None of the above
答案: 【Non-finite forms of verbs

7、 问题: Staying out of the way of other aircraft is especially challenging for small drones. Please match the name of the feature with the sentence.
A:Passive voice
C:Non-finite forms of verbs
D:None of the above
答案: 【Non-finite forms of verbs

8、 问题:The possibility of a midair crash between a drone and another aircraft will further complicated acceptance of drones. Please match the name of the feature with the sentence.
A:Passive voice
B: Nominalization
C:Non-finite forms of verbs
D:None of the above
答案: 【 Nominalization

【作业】Unit 1 Understanding Hacking Drones 4-23

1、 问题:Hacking drones 这个题目怎么翻译比较好?
评分规则: 【 1. 结合你阅读文章的感受,及题目本来的含义,两者都能表达的为优。2. 题目没有歧义,有趣有且用词恰当。

【作业】Unit 2 Understanding The Dawn of the Age of Artificial Intelligence 作业4-28

1、 问题:预习课本课文Lesson2,并从Lesson2内容中找出两句语法结构复杂的句子分析句子结构并翻译成中文。(除课本复杂语句分析内容以外,请输入文字,不要上传图片)
评分规则: 【 两句结构复杂的句子,说明语法结构。翻译合理通顺准确。

Unit 2 Understanding The Dawn of the Age of Artificial Intelligence Quiz 2

1、 问题:Which of the following is not mentioned by the authors about the development of AI?
A:AI has speeded up the way people travel around the world.
B:The emergence of AI would fundamentally change the economic growth prospects
C:AI has changed the mode of education, making more people get access to extensive resources.
D:AI improves the lives of people with disabilities.
答案: 【AI has speeded up the way people travel around the world.

2、 问题:Which of the following is true?

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