
第二单元:多任务处理 多任务处理 Multitasking

1、 问题:What can we do to multi-task better in interpreting?
A:To make each sub-task routine or automatic by practice
B:To make the brain energy pool larger through great concentration
C:To allocate brain energy more effectively
D:No option here. Please select answers among A, B and C.
答案: 【To make each sub-task routine or automatic by practice;
To make the brain energy pool larger through great concentration;
To allocate brain energy more effectively

2、 问题:What can be seen as intention of speaker?
A:the communicative goal he/she wants to achieve
B:the message he/she wants to convey
C:the purpose of his/her verbal activities
D:the examples he/she used in speech
答案: 【the communicative goal he/she wants to achieve;
the message he/she wants to convey;
the purpose of his/her verbal activities

3、 问题:To become qualified interpreters, students have to be trained particularly on multitasking.
答案: 【正确

4、 问题:How can we get speaker’s intention better? a. Use information as clue
答案: 【(以下答案任选其一都对)contextual;

5、 问题:How can we get speaker’s intention better? b. Use speech as clue
答案: 【(以下答案任选其一都对)norms;

第五单元:记忆提取 记忆扩容与提取

1、 问题:In interpreting, what skills can we use to remember more?
C:Noting down everything in the speech
D:No option here. Please choose among A, B and C.
答案: 【Chunking;

2、 问题:What are the reasons for failures in memory retrieval?
A:The information being poorly stored.
B:The input stops at the short-term memory.
C:No effective clues to retrieve chunks of information.
D:No option here. Please choose among A, B and C.
答案: 【The information being poorly stored.;
The input stops at the short-term memory.;
No effective clues to retrieve chunks of information.

3、 问题:What makes an effective chunking?
A:Effectively using existing knowledge to process and store new information
B:Making hierarchical chunks
C:Combining the skill of information structuring and chunking
D:No option here. Please choose among A, B and C.
答案: 【Effectively using existing knowledge to process and store new information;
Making hierarchical chunks;
Combining the skill of information structuring and chunking

4、 问题:Instead of taking lots of notes, interpreters listen and process the information with full concentration, and at the same time remember the message.
答案: 【正确

5、 问题:To solve the “lack of clue failure”, interpreters can deliberately set retrieval for each chunk.
答案: 【(以下答案任选其一都对)cue;

【作业】第五单元:记忆提取 记忆扩容与提取练习与互评

1、 问题:Listen to the speech by the former US president Barack Obama and retell in SPOKEN ENGLISH. Try to use the memory expansion and retrieval skills discussed in Unit 4 and Unit 5. Remember to attach your retelling in MP3 format.
评分规则: 【 要点1:For the United States, one of the strengths is that we are a very diverse culture. (如复述涵盖红色字体内容,即可给分)
要点2:In my own family, I have a father who was from Kenya; I have a mother who was from Kansas, in the Midwest of the United States; my sister is half-Indonesian; she’s married to a Chinese person from Canada. So when you see family gatherings in the Obama household, it looks like the United Nations.
要点3:It is a great strength of the United States, because it means that we learn from different cultures (and different foods and different ideas), and that has made us a much more dynamic society. (如复述涵盖红色字体内容,即可给分):
要点4:Each country has its own culture. And I think it’s very important for the United States not to assume that what is good for us is automatically good for somebody else. And we have to have some modesty about our attitudes towards other countries. (如复述涵盖红色字体内容,即可给分)
要点5:But, we do believe that there are certain fundamental principles that are common to all people, regardless of culture. (如复述涵盖红色字体内容,即可给分)
要点6:For example, in the United Nations we are very active in trying to make sure that children all around the world are treated with certain basic rights— that if children are being exploited, if there’s forced labor for children. (如复述涵盖红色字体内容,即可给分)
要点7:Despite that these things may have happened in many different countries, including the United States, all countries of the world now should hold the universal value that we are treating children better than we did in the past. (如复述涵盖红色字体内容,即可给分)

第七单元:关键信息记录 笔记1 Note-taking 1

1、 问题:What are the distinctive features of notes in consecutive interpreting?
D:No option here. Please choose among A, B and C.
答案: 【Personal;

2、 问题:What can be noted down as retrieval cues in interpreting?
A:Key words
B:Figures or proper names
C:Logic marks

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