
Unit 1 Health technology and its management 1.2 Unit test

1、 问题:Which of the followings may be needed for a new technology to enter into health institutions:
A:Approval from the food and drug administration (FDA)
B:Approval from health administration departments
C:Approval from medical insurances
D:Approval from the FDA and medical insurances
E:Approval from the FDA and health administration departments
答案: 【Approval from the FDA and health administration departments

2、 问题:Which of the followings is not included in management classification of health technology in China:
A:Health technologies with limited users
B:Prohibited health technologies
C:Health technologies restricted for use because of their greater ethical issues
D:Health technologies restricted for use because of their higher risks or using scarce resources
E:General health technologies
答案: 【Health technologies with limited users

3、 问题:Which items belong to health technologies:
B:medical devices
D:medical procedures
E:medical information system
答案: 【medicines;
medical devices;
medical procedures;
medical information system

4、 问题:The goals of using health technologies are:
A:disease prevention
B:diagnosis and treatment
D:health promotion
E:improve quality of life
答案: 【disease prevention;
diagnosis and treatment;
health promotion;
improve quality of life

5、 问题:The life cycle of health technology includes:
A:development of health technology
B:adoption of health technology
C:sale of health technology
D:diffusion of health technology
E:abandonment of health technology
答案: 【development of health technology;
adoption of health technology;
diffusion of health technology;
abandonment of health technology

6、 问题:The main reasons for abandonment of a health technology are:
A:having better health technology
B:having a big defect in safety and effectiveness
C:having big issues in medical ethics
D:having economically inefficiency
E:having preference from manufacturers
答案: 【having better health technology;
having a big defect in safety and effectiveness;
having big issues in medical ethics;
having economically inefficiency

7、 问题:What are the reasons for management of health technology:
A:The development, adoption, and diffusion of technology are increasingly influenced by a widening group of policymakers in the health care sector
B:The proliferation of health care technology and its expanding uses have contributed to burgeoning health care costs
C:Health technology can be managed in ways that improve patient access and health outcomes, while continuing to encourage useful innovation
D:There are increasingly demands for well-founded information to support decisions about whether or how to develop technology, to allow it on the market, to acquire it, to use it, to pay for its use, to ensure its appropriate use, and more
E:The relationship between new health technologies and health care cost is variable, complex, and evolving
答案: 【The development, adoption, and diffusion of technology are increasingly influenced by a widening group of policymakers in the health care sector;
The proliferation of health care technology and its expanding uses have contributed to burgeoning health care costs;
Health technology can be managed in ways that improve patient access and health outcomes, while continuing to encourage useful innovation;
The relationship between new health technologies and health care cost is variable, complex, and evolving

Unit 2 The concept of health technology assessment 2.2 Unit test

1、 问题:Health technology assessment (HTA) refers to a systematic and comprehensive evaluation of the technical performance, safety, effectiveness, economy, social adaptability of health technologies. Which of the following is not within the category of social adaptability?
C:Quality of Life
答案: 【Quality of Life

2、 问题:The Thalidomide Tragedy reflects what is wrong in the process of drug circulation?
A:Research and development
C:Marketing declaration
答案: 【Marketing declaration

3、 问题: Which ones are not in the category of "new technologies" in health technology assessment?
A:Genetic screening
B:Targeted drug therapy
C:Heart stent 
D:Surgical robot
E:Low-intensity laser intravascular irradiation therapy
答案: 【Low-intensity laser intravascular irradiation therapy

4、 问题:Types of technical consequences that can be evaluated by health technology assessment include
A:Direct and expected
B:Direct and unexpected
C:Indirect and expected
D:Indirect and unexpected
E:Direct, expected, indirect and unexpected
答案: 【Direct, expected, indirect and unexpected

5、 问题:The health technology assessment is not an evaluation of which of the following options?
E:Social adaptability
答案: 【Practicality

6、 问题:Which of the following items of health technology can HTA provide information for?
A:Market baMarket banning or selectionnning or selection
B:Allocation and utilization
C:Cost calculation and pricing
D:Research and development
E:All of above
答案: 【All of above

Unit 6 Ethical assessment of health technology 6.2 Unit test

1、 问题:Societal impacts of health technology involve impacts on:
B:laws or regulations
C:public affairs management
D:culture, ethics, morals
E:health care system
答案: 【economics;
laws or regulations;
public affairs management;
culture, ethics, morals;
health care system

2、 问题:The basic principles of bioethics include:
A:respect for persons
B:data safety
C:informed consent
答案: 【respect for persons;

3、 问题:Respect of individual autonomy mainly involves:
A:protection of the rights and welfare of users (such as patients and research subjects
B:protection of the right to get informed consent from patients, research subjects and/or legal authorized representatives
C:protection of the privacy of patients and research subjects
D:risk and benefit assessment of health care and medical research protocol
E:avoidance of using vulnerable population and convenient subjects
答案: 【protection of the right to get informed consent from patients, research subjects and/or legal authorized representatives;
protection of the privacy of patients and research subjects

4、 问题:The principle of beneficence mainly involves:
A:protection of the rights and welfare of users (such as patients and research subjects
B:avoidance of hazards
C:maximization of possible benefits and minimization of possible harms, and prohibition of a protocol if the possible hazards are found to outweigh the potential benefits
D:risk and benefit assessment of health care and medical research protocol
E:avoidance of using vulnerable population and convenient subjects
答案: 【maximization of possible benefits and minimization of possible harms, and prohibition of a protocol if the possible hazards are found to outweigh the potential benefits;
risk and benefit assessment of health care and medical research protocol

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