
Chapter 1 Introduction 跨文化传播导读 第一章单元测验

1、 问题:What is NOT a reason mentioned in this course for studying intercultural communication?以下哪一项不是本节课中提到的学习跨文化传播的原因?
A:To prepare for globalisation.为迎接全球化作准备。
B:To reduce tensions and conflicts.缓和全球紧张局势、减少冲突。
C:To assert personal and group identities.强调个性化与单个群体的特点。
D:To facilitate personal growth.促进个人成长。
答案: 【To assert personal and group identities.强调个性化与单个群体的特点。

2、 问题:Which of the following developments is NOT an example that we are now living in a global village?以下哪一项不属于我们如今生活在地球村中的表现?
A:Increasing global mobility, such as migration and tourism, paradoxically consolidate local boundaries.不断增强的全球流动性(如移民和旅游业),反而增强了本地社群及其居民的的边界感
B:The developments of mass media and the Internet bring events from across the globe into our homes.大众媒介的发展——互联网将世界各地的新闻带给我们每一个人
C:Telecommunication Systems, including e-mail, texting, and social networking sites, connect people throughout the world via satellites and fibre optics.电信系统的发达——包括电子邮件、短信和社交网络,它们通过卫星系统和纤维光学将世界各地的人联系在一起
D:The transportation development has made Earth a smaller planet to inhabit.交通系统的发展将我们居住的地球变成一个更小的地方
答案: 【Increasing global mobility, such as migration and tourism, paradoxically consolidate local boundaries.不断增强的全球流动性(如移民和旅游业),反而增强了本地社群及其居民的的边界感

3、 问题:A healthy community is  made up of individuals who:一个健康的社群成员主要包括以下哪一类人:
A: Work for the benefit of just their groups.仅为自己所在群体的利益努力
B: Try to eliminate their differences with each other.试图消除和其他群体之间的差异
C:Compete with each other to show that they are superior to others. 和他人相互竞争以彰显自己的优越之处
D:Work collectively for the benefit of everyone.为群体中所有人的利益共同奋斗
答案: 【Work collectively for the benefit of everyone.为群体中所有人的利益共同奋斗

4、 问题:Which of the following is NOT a benefit of intercultural communication for personal growth?以下哪一项不属于跨文化交际对于个人成长的益处?
A: Learn more about the way of life of other people in the world.了解更多世界上其他国家人群的生活方式
B:Be able to better empathise with other people.更能与他人产生共情
C:Recognise that people from different cultures do not have much in common.认为来自不同文化背景的人没有什么超越文化差异的共同之处
D:Develop a tolerance for difference.包容差异的能力更强
答案: 【Recognise that people from different cultures do not have much in common.认为来自不同文化背景的人没有什么超越文化差异的共同之处

5、 问题:Which of the following cases is an example of failed intercultural communication?以下哪一项是失败的跨文化交际的案例?
A:Spending a considerable amount of time to learn a second language.花时间详细学习另一门语言
B:Lowering your voice volume when speaking with people who speak softly.和说话语调较温和的人交谈时能够降低自己的音量
C:Observing the verbal and nonverbal response people give to you in intercultural communication.在跨文化交际的过程中观察对方传递给你的语言反应和非语言反应
D:Using the “thumb-up” gesture to communicate the meaning of “good job” in all intercultural context.在所有的跨文化语境中都使用竖起大拇指的手势来表示“做得不错”的意思
答案: 【Using the “thumb-up” gesture to communicate the meaning of “good job” in all intercultural context.在所有的跨文化语境中都使用竖起大拇指的手势来表示“做得不错”的意思

6、 问题:The term “globalisation”’ originally implied an emerging development, a work in progress, but now can be characterised as both an existing condition and a continuing dynamic.“全球化”一词最初描述一种新的发展模式、一项正在进行的工作,但现在可以被用来形容一种既存的状态,并保持着持续的活力。
答案: 【正确

7、 问题:“Ko-ke-ko-le” (“可口可乐”) is a better Chinese translation of Coca Cola than “Ke-dou-ken-la” (“蝌蚪啃蜡”) because it is more phonetically equivalent to the English brand name than the other translation. 相较于“蝌蚪啃蜡”,“可口可乐”是对“coca cola”的更准确的翻译,这是因为它在音韵上比其他的翻译更贴近该产品的英文品牌名称。
答案: 【错误

8、 问题:International tensions in the world reduce the need for people to find new ways of cooperating and managing intercultural encounters.世界紧张局势减少了人们寻求合作、寻求跨文化交际新方式的需求。
答案: 【错误

9、 问题:The big challenge we face now is how migrants and locals can work together to promote a genuine and healthy community.我们现如今面临的巨大挑战是移居者和当地人如何努力共创一个真正健康的社群。
答案: 【正确

10、 问题:Since most skills and knowledge about intercultural communication come from lived experience, they cannot be learned.既然关于跨文化交际中的大多数技巧和知识来自于现实的实践与体验中,那么它们就是无法被习得的。
答案: 【错误

11、 问题:While intercultural communication often leads to misunderstanding and conflict, it also paves the way to personal, local, and global changes, growth, and innovation.虽然跨文化交际可能会导致误解和冲突,但它同时也有助于个人、地方以及全球范围内的变革、增长和创新发展。
答案: 【正确

12、 问题:Observing the lives of others helps us understand how we conduct our own lives.当观察别人的生活时,我们开始了解自己是如何生活的。
答案: 【正确

Chapter 3 Cultural Values and Patterns 文化价值与范式 第三章单元测验

1、 问题:What is “concept or idea that an individual or a group holds as true” in intercultural communication?在跨文化交流中,“一个人或一个团体拥有真实的概念或观念”是什么?
答案: 【Belief信仰

2、 问题:Which of the following cases does NOT reflect the significance of value in culture?以下哪个案例中没有反映出文化价值的重要性?
A:People form social organisations as a means of survival人们组成社会组织作为生存的手段。
B:Japan is a large nation for the consumption of whale meat, while eating whale meat is strictly prohibited in Australia.日本是消费鲸鱼肉的大国,而在澳大利亚则严格禁止食用鲸鱼肉。
C:You carefully dress up in front of a mirror before attending a ball.参加舞会之前,您会在镜子前精心打扮。
D:In China and South Korea, lighter skin is considered a sign of beauty, while suntanned skin connotes a lower social status.在中国和韩国,较浅的皮肤被认为是美丽的标志,而被晒黑的皮肤则意味着较低的社会地位。
答案: 【People form social organisations as a means of survival人们组成社会组织作为生存的手段。

3、 问题:Which of the following statements is NOT a feature of cultural pattern?以下哪个论述不是文化模式的特征?
A:Cultural patterns are integrated.文化模式是整合的。
B:Cultural patterns are dynamic.文化模式是动态的。
C:Cultural patterns are coherent and consistent.文化模式是连贯且一致的。
D: Cultural patterns do not determine your thoughts and behaviour.文化模式并不能决定你的想法和行为。
答案: 【Cultural patterns are coherent and consistent.文化模式是连贯且一致的。

4、 问题:For Edward Hall, “cultural context” is:爱德华·霍尔提出的“文化语境”指的是:
A:The emotional connection between people when they communicate.人与人之间交流时的情感联系。
B:The “essence” or “spirit” of a culture.一种文化的“本质”或“精神”。
C:Information that surrounds an event.围绕事件的信息。
D:The geographic and socio-economic condition of culture.文化的地域和社会经济条件。
答案: 【Information that surrounds an event.围绕事件的信息。

5、 问题:In comparison to that with family members, communication with strangers tend to be:与家人相比,与陌生人的交流倾向于:
A:Long-term oriented长期导向
B:Low context低语境
C:High context高语境
D:High power distance高权力距离
答案: 【Low context低语境

6、 问题:People in high-context cultures can correctly decode the meaning of silence because高语境文化中的人们可以正确地解码沉默的含义,这是因为
A:Silence has no meaning in high-context communication.沉默在高语境交流中毫无意义
B:Silence has an exact meaning in each culture.沉默在每种文化中都有确切的含义。
C:People generally speak slowly and softly in high-context cultures.在高语境文化中,人们通常会缓慢而轻柔地讲话。
D:People in high-context cultures can identify the context of silence.高语境文化中的人们可以判断沉默的语境。
答案: 【People in high-context cultures can identify the context of silence.高语境文化中的人们可以判断沉默的语境。

7、 问题:Which of the following statements is NOT a component of individualism culture?以下哪项陈述不属于个人主义文化?
A:Interpersonal relations are divided into in-group and out-group relations.人际关系分为内群体和外群体的关系。
B:Independence, rather than interdependence, is stressed.强调独立而不是相互依存。
C:The uniqueness of each individual is of paramount value.每个人的独特性都是至关重要的。
D:The individual is the most critical unit in any social setting.个人是任何社会环境中最关键的部分。
答案: 【Interpersonal relations are divided into in-group and out-group relations.人际关系分为内群体和外群体的关系。

8、 问题:Communication in collectivist cultures tends to be high-context, because:集体主义文化中的交流往往是高语境的,因为:
A:People in collectivist cultures are more diversified.在集体主义文化中人们更多样化。
B:People in collectivist cultures rely more on oral and written communication.在集体主义文化中人们更依赖于口头和书面交流。
C:People in collectivist cultures place more emphasis on interpersonal harmony.在集体主义文化中人们更重视人际和谐。
D:Individual interests take precedence over those of the group.个人利益优先于群体利益。
答案: 【People in collectivist cultures place more emphasis on interpersonal harmony.在集体主义文化中人们更重视人际和谐。

9、 问题:Which of the following characteristics is a feature of low-uncertainty-avoidance culture?以下那个选项是低不确定性规避文化的特征?
A: People believe that life carries the potential for continual hazards.人们相信生活具有持续危害的可能性。
B:Written rules, planning, rituals, and conventions are emphasised.强调书面规则,计划,仪式和惯例。
C:People tend to have relatively high levels of anxiety and stress about the future.人们往往有较高水平的对未来的焦虑和压力。
D:People dislike the structure associated with the hierarchy.人们不喜欢与阶层相关联的结构。
答案: 【People dislike the structure associated with the hierarchy.人们不喜欢与阶层相关联的结构。

10、 问题:A person displays traits of high-uncertainty avoidance if she:一个人在以下情况下会表现出高度不确定性回避的特征:
A:Embraces social and cultural changes.拥抱社会和文化变革
B:Feels less constrained by social rules.较少受到社会规则的束缚
C:Is interested in the unusual, peculiar and new things.对不寻常,奇特和新事物感兴趣
D:Emphasises tradition and consensus. 强调传统和共识
答案: 【Emphasises tradition and consensus. 强调传统和共识

11、 问题:Which of the following characteristics is a feature of a low-power-distance country?以下哪个特征是低权力距离国家的特征?
A:The use of formal title is prevalent. 正式头衔的使用很普遍。
B:Superiors want to look less powerful than they really are.上级希望自己看起来没有实际的强大。
C:Children are expected to be obedient toward parents.孩子们应该听父母的话。
D:People believe that that power and authority are facts of life.人们相信权力和权威是生活的事实。
答案: 【Superiors want to look less powerful than they really are.上级希望自己看起来没有实际的强大。

12、 问题:The terms “masculinity” and “femininity” used by Hofstede is referred to by other scholars as霍夫斯泰德提出的“男性气质”和“女性气质”被其他学者称为
A:Career success and quality of life事业成功和生活质量
B:Authority and egalitarianism权威与平均主义
C:Long-term oriented and short-term oriented长期导向和短期导向
D:Material achievement and spirituality物质成就和精神性
答案: 【Career success and quality of life事业成功和生活质量

13、 问题:Norway and Sweden are two nations at the top of Hofstede’s femininity ratings because in the two countries:挪威和瑞典是霍夫斯泰德认为的女性气质等级最高的两个国家,因为在这两个国家中:
A:There tend to be a lower representation by women in public office.妇女在公职中的任职比例往往较低。
B:Women often find it difficult to climb up career ladders.妇女基本很难有升职机会。

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