
1 Entrepreneurship Test

1、 问题:In academic research, the three major literature sources of the theoretical system don’t include() 
A:the original literature
B:the classical literature
C:the latest literature
D:the excellent literature
答案: 【the excellent literature

2、 问题:The first industry combined with entrepreneurs is ( )
C:shipping industry
D:textile industry
答案: 【agriculture 

3、 问题:Entrepreneurship is defined as the process of pursuing opportunities, combining different resources to utilize and develop opportunities and create value, regardless of the current ( ) conditions.
C: risks 
D:financial resources
答案: 【resources

4、 问题:The meaning of the new generation of entrepreneurs doesn’t include ( )
C:the ability of scientific research
D:the ability of supervision and management
答案: 【the ability of scientific research

5、 问题:The characteristics of entrepreneurs don’t include ( )
A:fish for fame
B:the economic value
C:attainment value
D:social value
答案: 【fish for fame

6、 问题:The right answers of following statements include ( )
A:The physiocrats believe that land is the source of social products, and that entrepreneurs engaged. in agriculture-related economic activities are crucial;
B:The viewpoint that entrepreneurs are economic actors who combine all productive resources belongs to the classical school of economics;
C:Along with the continuous development of science and technology, opportunities and creation gradually become the core of business activities;
D:It is absolutely impossible to start a business without resources.
答案: 【The physiocrats believe that land is the source of social products, and that entrepreneurs engaged. in agriculture-related economic activities are crucial;;
The viewpoint that entrepreneurs are economic actors who combine all productive resources belongs to the classical school of economics;;
Along with the continuous development of science and technology, opportunities and creation gradually become the core of business activities;

7、 问题:The reasons for Luohong’s success are ( )
A:Be industrious and willing to work
B:Be honest and trustworth
C:Be hard-working                   
D:Make perfection more perfect
答案: 【Be industrious and willing to work;
Be honest and trustworth;
Be hard-working                   ;
Make perfection more perfect

8、 问题:The wrong answers of following statements include ( )
A:The book The Nature of General Business was written by Francois Quesnay.
B:Richard Cantron, a French economist, is the founder of the physiocratic school.
C:Jean · Say published The Treatise on Political Economy in 1803.
D:The thorough understanding of an industry is an important basis for successful entrepreneurship.
答案: 【The book The Nature of General Business was written by Francois Quesnay.;
Richard Cantron, a French economist, is the founder of the physiocratic school.

9、 问题:How do you understand the meaning of starting a business?
答案: 【business

10、 问题:What qualities are needed for starting a successful business?
答案: 【business

2 The Dimensions of Entrepreneurship Test Two

1、 问题:The three types of entrepreneurship studies don’t include ( )
A:individual view
B:process view
C:cognitive view
D:the view of consciousness
答案: 【the view of consciousness

2、 问题:Which of the following statements is incorrect ( )
A:The achievement demand refers to the need to strive for success, excellence and achieve the best.
B:The individual view holds that part of the success of entrepreneurship is due to luck.
C:High risk-taking entrepreneurs are more likely to make decisions with less information.
D:In the view of individuals, entrepreneurs have a higher acceptance of vague situations.
答案: 【The individual view holds that part of the success of entrepreneurship is due to luck.

3、 问题:In the fallowing statements, which one doesn’t belong to the view of process? ( )
A:The key to success lies in the characteristics of the entrepreneurs themselves, such as the excellent quality of continuous improvement.
B:The act of creating a new enterprise is the interaction of multiple forces in the formation of a new enterprise.
C:We should study what entrepreneurs do in the context of creating enterprises, not who they are.
D:The research focuses on the behavior of entrepreneurs.
答案: 【The key to success lies in the characteristics of the entrepreneurs themselves, such as the excellent quality of continuous improvement.

4、 问题:The cognitive view of entrepreneurship think that ( )
A:The individual difference of entrepreneur’s competitive advantage comes from the external environment.
B:The individual difference of competitive advantage of entrepreneurs comes from the difference of personal quality.
C:The individual difference of entrepreneurs’ competitive advantage comes from the difference of thinking mode.
D:The individual difference of entrepreneurs’ competitive advantage comes from the difference of the accuracy of opportunity judgment.
答案: 【The individual difference of entrepreneurs’ competitive advantage comes from the difference of thinking mode.

5、 问题:Luo hong’s personality traits don’t include ( )
A:taking risks
B:pursuing fame and wealth
C:caring for the people
D:being honest and trustworthy
答案: 【pursuing fame and wealth

6、 问题:In the individual view, entrepreneurs’characteristics include (  )
A:demand for achievement
B:internal control point
C:high risk-taking tendency
D:high ambiguity tolerance
答案: 【demand for achievement;
internal control point;
high risk-taking tendency;
high ambiguity tolerance

7、 问题:According to the process view, the process of entrepreneurship includes ( )
A:Generate entrepreneurial motivation
B:Identify entrepreneurial opportunities
C:Integrate resources
D:Create new enterprises
E:Realize the opportunity value
F:Reap the rewards
答案: 【Generate entrepreneurial motivation;
Identify entrepreneurial opportunities;
Integrate resources;
Create new enterprises;
Realize the opportunity value;
Reap the rewards

8、 问题:What’s right about the concept of cognition ?( )
A:Cognitive bias has no positive effect.
B:Overconfidence tends to lead to cognitive bias.
C:The decision-making judgment of entrepreneurs can reflect their cognitive structure.
D:Accurate evaluation, judgment and decision-making of enterprise growth are the key factors for success of entrepreneurship.
答案: 【Overconfidence tends to lead to cognitive bias.;
The decision-making judgment of entrepreneurs can reflect their cognitive structure.;
Accurate evaluation, judgment and decision-making of enterprise growth are the key factors for success of entrepreneurship.

9、 问题:What are the success factors of "Jiaozi rabbit" venture? Please give us a brief comment.
答案: 【culture

10、 问题:What are the reasons for the failure of "Vanke Chengpin? " Please give us a brief comment.
答案: 【sales actual

3 Analysis of Entrepreneurial Activities test

1、 问题:Entrepreneurial opportunity refers to the strong() and lasting business opportunity that is conducive to entrepreneurship.
D:rate of return
答案: 【attraction

2、 问题:The fundamental purpose of starting a business is ( ).
A:make money
B:realization of personal value
C:meet the demand
答案: 【meet the demand

3、 问题:The assessment method of entrepreneurial opportunities does not include ( ).
A:standard matrix scoring method
B:Programming solution method
C:Betty’s choice factor method
D:the Potentionmeter method of Harman 
答案: 【Programming solution method

4、 问题:Factors affecting entrepreneurial opportunities do not include (  ).
A:personal ability
B:market dynamics
C:social network
D:grey enterprises

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