
Week 1: Description Week 1 Test: Identify Sensory Expressions

1、 问题:The buns are feathery soft but heavy in the hand and soggy inside.
A:sense of touch
B:sense of hearing
C:sense of smell
D:none of those.
E:sense of sight
答案: 【sense of touch

2、 问题:Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction.
A:sense of sight
B:sense of hearing
C:sense of
D:sense of smell
E:sense of taste
答案: 【sense of sight

3、 问题:The local street snacks are hot, spicy and salty.
A:sense of taste
B:sense of hearing
C:sense of touch
D:sense of smell
E:sense of sight
答案: 【sense of taste

4、 问题:I chew noisily and happily like a puppy at a food bowl.
A:sense of hearing
B:sense of sight
C:sense of touch
D:sense of smell
E:sense of taste
答案: 【sense of hearing;
sense of sight

5、 问题:The wind began to blow fiercely, and the rain was getting harder with each passing second. Palm fronds
were blowing across the road like leaves. The rain was now coming at me horizontally instead of vertically, blowing from left to right. Within a few minutes, I couldn’t see the road directly in front of my car. The force of the
rain felt and sounded like a hundred fire hoses aimed directly at the left side of my car. I slowed down to a literal crawl and tried to continue without driving into the lake or a ditch.
A:sense of sight
B:sense of hearing
C:sense of touch
D:sense of taste
E:sense of smell
答案: 【sense of sight;
sense of hearing

【作业】Week 2: Narration Week 2 Assignment: Write a passage with emphasis on narration

1、 问题:Tell a Story in Your LifeDirections: Write a passage by filling in details between the following sentences from three separate short stories by different authors. Even if there is no obvious connection, please create clear connections to bridge the gaps.Sometimes things just don’t turn out the way you expect. He (or She) said to me, “We have to talk.” If you do something funny, everyone hears about it.
评分规则: 【 The writer told a story about his or her life by including the three sentences and details between the sentences.
The writer used time indicators to give the sequence of the events.
The writer includes sensory descriptive details to make the narrative vivid and enjoyable to read.

Week 3: Comparison and Contrast Week 3 Test (Comparison and Contrast)

1、 问题:Which is a FALSE statement about methods of comparison and contrast?
A:Different patterns cannot be combined in use.
B:The subject-by-subject pattern (or the block pattern) tends to work better for short essays.
C:The point-by-point pattern works better with many aspects.
D:Many people like to write literature review in the point-by-point pattern.
答案: 【Different patterns cannot be combined in use.

2、 问题:What is NOT true about the Block Pattern of organization?
A:It’s the best approach to develop long and complicated comparison-and-contrast essays.
B:It presents all the information about Item A and then all that about B.
C:It fully discusses Item A at first and then turns to Item B.
D:It’s useful for short and relatively simple comparison-and-contrast essays.
答案: 【It’s the best approach to develop long and complicated comparison-and-contrast essays.

3、 问题:Which pattern of comparison do you find in the following outlines?Person A1) family background2) educational background3) working experiencePerson B1) family background2) educational background3) working experience
A:The block pattern.
D:The point-to-point pattern.
答案: 【The block pattern.

4、 问题:What is true about the point-to-point comparison?
A:We move back and forth between Item A and Item B at each point.
B:We should discuss items in the same order throughout the essay.
C:Shifting between Item A and Item B makes the comparison easy to follow.
D:It fully discusses Item A at first and then turns to Item B.
E:It presents all the information about Item A and then all that about Item B.
答案: 【We move back and forth between Item A and Item B at each point.;
We should discuss items in the same order throughout the essay. ;
Shifting between Item A and Item B makes the comparison easy to follow.

5、 问题:Which quotations below are analogies?
A:Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting. (—Edmund Burke)
B:Potential is like a diamond in the rough. You know there is value, but it just needs to be polished first.
C:Life is like a coin. You can spend it anyway you wish, but you can only spend it once.
D:Music is fluid architecture, and architecture frozen music. (F. W. J. Schelling)

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