
网课 1 Brainstorming Process Test on brainstorming strategies

1、 问题: What are 6 types of brainstorming strategies taught in this week?
A: freewriting, mapping, cubing, q-chart, looping, listing
B: organizing, listing, looping, freecharting, cubing, t-chart
C: listing, clustering, cubing, freewriting, looping, t-chart
D: organizing, cubing, researching, q-chart, freelisting, looping
答案: 【 listing, clustering, cubing, freewriting, looping, t-chart

2、 问题: At what point in the writing process should we brainstorm?
A: at the beginning
B: at the end
C: in the middle
D: always
答案: 【 at the beginning

3、 问题: What is the unifying theme in all forms of brainstorming?
A:Judge any ideas in the beginning in order to get your ideas out.
B: Do not judge your ideas at the beginning. Simply just get your ideas out.
C:Do not simply get your ideas out, judge the ideas.
D:Nothing, all forms of brainstorming are different.
答案: 【 Do not judge your ideas at the beginning. Simply just get your ideas out.

4、 问题: Why is brainstorming important?
A: It allows writers to analyze the writing prompt and organize their thoughts.
B: It contributes to unity and coherence of writing because it allows writers to map out their ideas.
C: all of the above
D: none of the above
答案: 【 all of the above

【作业】网课 1 Brainstorming Process 网课一作业:

1、 问题:Suppose you have 2 options upon graduation: one is to take a job in company and the other to go to a graduate school.Write down your ideas of this topic in your favorite brainstorming strategy.采用头脑风暴中的一种方法构思,作业提交到慕课平台。
评分规则: 【 是否采用视频中头脑风暴的一种方法,且分类合理

【作业】网课二 Planning & Outlining Process 网课二作业

1、 问题:请就以下话题根据上次慕课形成的头脑风暴灵感,书写提纲,写在纸上拍照后上传到慕课平台。Suppose you have 2 options upon graduation: one is to take a job in company and the other to go to a graduate school. Explain the reasons for your choices.
评分规则: 【 是否符合视频中提纲的要求 (20分)

网课二 Planning & Outlining Process 网课二测验

1、 问题: Outlining is ( ) in the writing process.
A: the first stage
B: the second stage
C: the third stage
D: the fourth stage
答案: 【 the second stage

2、 问题: How is the major supporting idea different from the minor one?
A: Major supporting ideas are more important than the minor ones.
B: Major supporting ideas are general while the minor ones are specific.
C: Major supporting ideas outnumber minor ones in a paper.
D: Major supporting ideas provide more convincing evidences than minor ones.
答案: 【 Major supporting ideas are general while the minor ones are specific.

3、 问题: Among the following choices, which one can not be used as major supporting ideas?
A: Points of comparison
B: Reasons
C: Examples
D: Steps in a process
答案: 【 Examples

4、 问题: Among the following choices, which one can not be used as minor supporting ideas?
A: Quotes
B: Statistics
C: Instances
D: Arguments
答案: 【 Arguments

5、 问题: What are the three features of a thesis statement?
A: It should have a narrow focus.
B: It can be a fact.
C: It should be an opinion.
D: It can forecast the body paragraphs.
答案: 【 It should have a narrow focus.;
It should be an opinion. ;
It can forecast the body paragraphs.

6、 问题: The parallel structure is the most important thing in outline.
答案: 【正确

7、 问题:An outline is thoughts, rather than a paragraph. So we can just write down ideas rather than sentences.
答案: 【正确

8、 问题: What is the structure of an outline? (write down its 4 components) (答案请用小写字母,无复数;答案间以分号隔开,且分号后需空一格写下一个答案。因为不清楚格式是否影响系统自动评分,故说明下)
答案: 【topic sentence; major supporting idea; minor supporting idea; concluding sentence
分析:【Topic sentence of the paper (thesis statement); major supporting idea; minor supporting idea; concluding sentence

网课三 Drafting Process 网课三测验

1、 问题: What is the difference between the major and minor premises?
A: The major premise is usually a broad and generally applicable truth, while the minor one is a more specific and narrowly applicable fact.
B: The major premise is usually a more important and lengthy claim while the minor one is less important and lengthy.
C: Major claim connotes minor claim.
D: The major premise major is usually a more specific and narrowly applicable fact while the minor one is a broad and generally applicable truth.
答案: 【 The major premise is usually a broad and generally applicable truth, while the minor one is a more specific and narrowly applicable fact.

2、 问题: All fragile things are breakable things. Some glasses are fragile things. Therefore,

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