
第3章 汪洋大海 海洋生命的水文要素 单元测验3

1、 问题:To produce artificial salt water for an aquarium, a supply company must be particularly careful of the concentration of all of these ions but which one?
答案: 【Fluoride

2、 问题:Some desert lakes have the same salinity as seawater, but cannot serve as homes for marine fishes in culture.  Why might this be so?
A:The amount of dissolved salts is not the same.
B:The water is too hot.
C:The oxygen concentration is too low.
D:The ratio of ions in the total salinity is different from that in seawater.
答案: 【The ratio of ions in the total salinity is different from that in seawater.

3、 问题:Which of these animals probably could undergo vertical movement in the water with the least difficulty from changes in pressure?
A:A fish with a swim bladder
B:A seal
C:A whale
D:A deep-sea shrimp
答案: 【A deep-sea shrimp

4、 问题:During summer, a satellite map of sea surface temperatures for the coasts of the U.S.A. usually shows very cold water off California.  Why might this be so?
A:California lies farther north than most states of the U.S.A. and thus is colder.
B:The current in the area runs from north to south.
C:Eastern sides of oceans generally are warmer than western sides.
D:The Coriolis effect deflects currents to the left in the northern hemisphere.
答案: 【The current in the area runs from north to south.

5、 问题:The biggest ocean waves of all are just north of Antarctica.  Why might this be so?
A:Unlike the Arctic Ocean, the Southern Ocean has a land mass within it.
B:The weather is the worst on Earth in Antarctica.
C:Waves in the Southern Ocean can go around the world, and thus have the longest fetch.
D:Cold seas have bigger waves than warm ones.
答案: 【Waves in the Southern Ocean can go around the world, and thus have the longest fetch.

第2章 沧海桑田 海洋生命的地质环境 单元测验2

1、 问题:Which is true of seas? ______
A:They always are cut off from the main ocean basins.
B:They can contain the greatest average depths.
C:They form a continuous body of water around Antarctica.
D:They are shallower than the oceans.
答案: 【They are shallower than the oceans.

2、 问题:Alfred Wegener proposed which of these ideas? ______
A:All continents once were joined into one supercontinent.
B:Magnetic anomalies show that the sea floor did not form all at once.
C:The oceanic lithosphere is created by sea-floor spreading.
D:Sea levels dropped during the Ice Ages
答案: 【All continents once were joined into one supercontinent.

3、 问题:Magnetic anomalies are bands of rock that run parallel to the mid-ocean ridge system.  What do they provide evidence for?
A:Bacteria lived in the ocean floor millions of years ago
B:Volcanoes form at ocean ridges.
C:The sea floor was formed in stripes
D:Granite is denser than basalt
答案: 【Volcanoes form at ocean ridges.

4、 问题:To find the oldest rocks in the ocean, where should you look?
A:At hydrothermal vents
B:Near trenches
C:On top of mid-ocean ridges
D:Near volcanoes
答案: 【Near trenches

5、 问题:The biologically richest part of the seafloor is
A:The continental shelf.
B:The continental slope.
C:Deep-sea fans.
D:The abyssal plain.
答案: 【The continental shelf.

6、 问题:If you drop a camera at random to the deep-sea floor, you are likely to see which of these?
A:Steep ridges
B:Thick mineral deposits
D:Lots of red clay
答案: 【Lots of red clay

第5章 向海图强 海洋生命的资源开发 单元测验5

1、 问题:Seafood is very important to people because
A:It can be cooked easily.
B:It is rich in protein.
C:It represents over 25% of all the food we eat.
D:It represents a resource that shows no sign of being overexploited.
答案: 【It is rich in protein.

2、 问题:The highest catches of finfish are for
A:Herring, sardines, and related fishes.
答案: 【Herring, sardines, and related fishes.

3、 问题:Clupeid fishes are used to produce all of these products except
A:Fish flour.
B:Protein supplements for livestock feeds.
C:Gourmet food.
答案: 【Gourmet food.

4、 问题:In a very large population of fish,
A:The population growth rate is at its maximum.
B:The population growth rate has no natural means to keep it in check.
C:Competition can slow the growth rate.
D:Small harvests have no effect on the population.
答案: 【Competition can slow the growth rate.

5、 问题:The maximum sustainable yield of a harvested fish population depends on all of these except
A:The size and age of fish caught.
B:The reproductive and growth rates and lifespans of the fish.
C:Interactions with competing species.
D:Whether the fish is demersal or pelagic.
答案: 【Whether the fish is demersal or pelagic.

6、 问题:Even if fishing is stopped on an overexploited species, it may not recover its population levels because of all of these factors but which one?
A:Irregular natural cycles
B:Competition from other species
C:Predation on young
D:Ability to speed up its growth rate.
答案: 【Ability to speed up its growth rate.

7、 问题:If only the largest fish in a population are caught, the population may decline because
A:These are the most competitive fish.
B:These produce more eggs than small ones.
C:Smaller fish eat more food than big ones.

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