
第一篇 经济学导论 单元测验1:第一篇( 经济学导论)

1、 问题:Microeconomics is often called
A:price theory.
B:decision science.
D:resource theory.
答案: 【price theory.

2、 问题:Society faces trade-offs because of
A:government regulations.
B:greedy corporations.
C:faceless bureaucrats.
D: scarcity.
答案: 【 scarcity.

3、 问题:The purpose of making assumptions in economic model building is to
A:force the model to yield the correct answer.
B:minimize the amount of work an economist must do.
C:simplify the model while keeping important details.
D:express the relationship mathematically.
答案: 【simplify the model while keeping important details.

4、 问题:Which of the following is true?
A:Efficiency refers to the size of the economic pie; equality refers to how the pie is divided.
B:Government policies usually improve upon both equality and efficiency.
C:As long as the economic pie continually gets larger, no one will have to go hungry.
D:Efficiency and equality can both be achieved if the economic pie is cut into equal pieces.
答案: 【Efficiency refers to the size of the economic pie; equality refers to how the pie is divided.

5、 问题:The opportunity cost of an item is
A:the number of hours needed to earn money to buy the item.
B:what you give up to get that item.
C:usually less than the dollar value of the item.
D:the dollar value of the item.
答案: 【what you give up to get that item.

6、 问题:Rational people make decisions at the margin by
A:following marginal traditions.
B:following marginal traditions.
C:thinking in black-and-white terms.
D:comparing marginal costs and marginal benefits.
答案: 【comparing marginal costs and marginal benefits.

7、 问题:People are likely to respond to a policy change
A:only if they think the policy is a good one.
B:only if the policy change changes the costs of their behavior.
C:only if the policy change changes the benefits of their behavior.
D:if the policy changes either the costs or benefits of their behavior.
答案: 【if the policy changes either the costs or benefits of their behavior.

8、 问题:The invisible hand works to promote general well-being in the economy primarily through
A:government intervention.
B:the political process.
C:people’s pursuit of self-interest.
答案: 【people’s pursuit of self-interest.

9、 问题:Causes of market failure include
A:externalities and market power.
B:market power and incorrect forecasts of consumer demand.
C:externalities and foreign competition.
D:incorrect forecasts of consumer demand and foreign competition.
答案: 【externalities and market power.

10、 问题:What is the most important factor that explains differences in living standards across countries?
A:the quantity of money
B:the level of unemployment
答案: 【productivity

11、 问题:A circular-flow diagram is a model that
A:helps to explain how participants in the economy interact with one another.
B:helps to explain how people make decisions.
C:incorporates all aspects of the real economy.
D:helps to explain how the economy works as a whole.
答案: 【helps to explain how participants in the economy interact with one another.

12、 问题:Production is efficient if the economy is producing at a point
A:on the production possibilities frontier.
B:outside the production possibilities frontier.
C:on or inside the production possibilities frontier.
D:inside the production possibilities frontier.
答案: 【on the production possibilities frontier.

13、 问题:The opportunity cost of obtaining more of one good is shown on the production possibilities frontier as the
A:amount of the other good that must be given up.
B:market price of the additional amount produced.
C:amount of resources that must be devoted to its production.
D:number of dollars that must be spent to produce it.
答案: 【amount of the other good that must be given up.

14、 问题:Normative statements are
B:claims about how the world should be.
C:claims about how the world is.
D:made by economists speaking as scientists.
答案: 【claims about how the world should be.

15、 问题:When can two countries gain from trading two goods?
A:when the first country can only produce the first good and the second country can only produce the second good
B:when the first country can produce both goods, but can only produce the second good at great cost, and the second country can produce both goods, but can only produce the first good at great cost
C:when the first country is better at producing both goods and the second country is worse at producing both goods
D:Two countries could gain from trading two goods under all of the above conditions.
答案: 【Two countries could gain from trading two goods under all of the above conditions.

16、 问题:An economy’s production possibilities frontier is also its consumption possibilities frontier
A:under all circumstances.
B:under no circumstances.
C:when the economy is self-sufficient.
D:when the rate of tradeoff between the two goods being produced is constant.
答案: 【when the economy is self-sufficient.

17、 问题:Absolute advantage is found by comparing different producers’
A:opportunity costs.
B:payments to land, labor, and capital.
C:input requirements per unit of output.
D:locational and logistical circumstances.
答案: 【input requirements per unit of output.

18、 问题:Suppose Jim and Tom can both produce two goods: baseball bats and hockey sticks. Which of the following is not possible?
A:Jim has an absolute advantage in the production of baseball bats and in the production of hockey sticks.
B:Jim has an absolute advantage in the production of baseball bats and a comparative advantage in the production of hockey sticks.
C:Jim has an absolute advantage in the production of hockey sticks and a comparative advantage in the production of baseball bats.
D:Jim has a comparative advantage in the production of baseball bats and in the production of hockey sticks.
答案: 【Jim has a comparative advantage in the production of baseball bats and in the production of hockey sticks.

19、 问题:Suppose Jim and Tom can both produce baseball bats. If Jim’s opportunity cost of producing baseball bats is lower than Tom’s opportunity cost of producing baseball bats, then
A:Tom must have an absolute advantage in the production of baseball bats.
B:Jim must have an absolute advantage in the production of baseball bats.
C:Tom has a comparative advantage in the production of baseball bats.
D:Jim has a comparative advantage in the production of baseball bats.
答案: 【Jim has a comparative advantage in the production of baseball bats.

20、 问题:Trade can make everybody better off because it
A:increases cooperation among nations.
B:allows people to specialize according to comparative advantage.
C:requires some workers in an economy to be retrained.
D:reduces competition among domestic companies.
答案: 【allows people to specialize according to comparative advantage.

21、 问题:Economics is the study of how evenly goods and services are distributed within society.
答案: 【错误

22、 问题:If wages for accountants rose, then accountants’ leisure time would have a lower opportunity cost.
答案: 【错误

23、 问题:A marginal change is a small incremental adjustment to an existing plan of action.
答案: 【正确

24、 问题:Trade with any nation can be mutually beneficial.

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