
【作业】Week 1 Prepare a two-minute oral report (write the script beforehand) introducing Socrates and h

1、 问题: Prepare a two-minute oral report (write
the script beforehand) introducing Socrates and his contributions. Pay attention to three aspects of the report: information,
structure and language.  Select the information to be included in
the report. Then, the information should be organized
in a clear structure. Also, try to use the expressions that you
have learned from the text. However, do not simply copy the sentences
of the text but paraphrase them so that the sentences fit in your own report.Write down the script;   (10 points) Rehearse the report;   Record a video of your oral report. (10
评分规则: 【 ‍切题,表达思想清楚,结构合理(写作)
熟练,口语表达流利,发音正确,表达自然,时长在2分钟到三分钟之间,不超过三分钟 (口头报告)

【作业】Week 1 A 班 Unit 1大作文 Write a passage: Socrates and Confucius: a comparison (300 words)

1、 问题:Text Book page 22. Write a passage: Socrates and Confucius: a comparison  (300 words)
评分规则: 【 切题;结构清晰,表达思想清楚;文字通顺;连贯性较好;基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。(32-40分)切题;结构清晰,表达思想欠清楚;文字连贯;但有较多语言错误。(24-31分)

【作业】Week 3 关于“艺术”话题的词汇拓展

1、 问题:1.      Complete the diagram below by replacing the numbered explanations with words and expressions.Example:1.      The art on the stage is performing art\ stage art.2.      The art work painted on canvas with a brush is __.3.      The painting of people is ___.4.      A sculpture of people or animals is a __.5.      A drama set to music is ___.6.      A dance in which performers stand on their toes is __.7.      A drama with no lines but funny is ___.8.      Performance by orchestra is __. 2.      Find out the equivalents of these Chinese expressions related to art from your textbook page 28 to page 35. 1)      刻画\描画 (v.)                  11) 壁画 (n.)2)      栩栩如生 (adj.)                 12) 颜料\色素 (n.)3)      构图 (n.)4)      图像\人物 (n.)5)      视角\透视 (n.)6)      观赏者(n.)7)      柔和的色彩(adj+n.)8)      轮廓(n.)9)      乱涂乱画(v..)10)   壁画
评分规则: 【 每题计1分,样题(第一题)送分

2、 问题:Choose one of the paintings provided to you in the slides and make a 2-minute introduction of it. Record your voice and save it in mp3 format.
评分规则: 【 得分根据内容(30%),语言使用(30%),口语输出水平(40%)来计分

【作业】Week 4 第四周单元作业

1、 问题:Writing Topic: A Comparison Between Western and Chinese Paintings
评分规则: 【 Requirements:Length: 200 words or soFollow the 5-paragraph structure in your writing

【作业】Week 5 A班第五周读写作业

1、 问题:Suppose you were one of the witnesses to the Genovese case, write a 250-word account of the case from a bystander’s perspective (i.e., in the tone of a bystander and in the first person). Please refer to pages 78-79 of the textbook for more information.
评分规则: 【 1) 本题总分为20分,按五个档次给分,每档次4分。2) 主要依据内容的相关性,结构的完整性,组织的逻辑性,语言的准确性,句式的变化性,词汇的广泛性评分。3) 文章长度不得少于250个单词,否则酌情扣分。4) 拼写与标点符号是文章准确性的一个方面。

【作业】Week 6 A班第六周读写作业

1、 问题:Write an opinion post of no less than 350 words (Please refer to pages 88-90 of the textbook). 
评分规则: 【 1) 按五个档次给分,每档次3分。2) 主要依据写作的完整性与文章的组织,语言的准确性,句式的变化性,词汇的广泛性,内容的相关性评分。3) 文章长度不得少于350个单词。4) 拼写与标点符号是文章准确性的一个方面。

【作业】Week 7 Unit 5 Session 1 (For Tuesday Classes)

1、 问题:In one interview with Charlie Rose, an American television journalist and talk show host, Jack Ma said he believed in the 21 century small-and-medium-size businesses are going to thrive. His viewpoint runs against the author’s view in iExplore 1 of this unit. Which of them do you take sides with? Write an essay to express your opinions.
评分规则: 【 Requirements:200 words or so in length.Use counterargument to strengthen your view.

【作业】Week 8 Unit 5 Session 2 作业 (For Tuesday Classes)

1、 问题:Make a 2-minute introduction of the corporate culture of Alibaba. 
评分规则: 【 Record your voice as an audio file in mp3 format.

【作业】Week 9 Law and Morality: Session 1 Unit 7 Session 1

1、 问题:Describe a case in which law (or regulations) collides with morality.
评分规则: 【 No less than 150 words.

【作业】Week 10 (Tuesday Classes) Week 10 Tuesday Classes

1、 问题:You have written about a case in which law or regulation runs against morality. Analyze the case from two opposing views. Use sentence patterns like:It is argued that…Supporters claim that…Opponents contend that…
评分规则: 【 The complete essay should be over 250 words.

【作业】week 11 week 11

1、 问题:As a delegate of your own country (choose one from the following countries: China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States), you are going to attend the sub committee Security Council of the China Model United Nations conference. The topic of discussion is Arab-Israeli ConflictWrite a position paper of your country 
评分规则: 【 400-500 words

【作业】week 14 Unit 6 Literacy and Technology Assignments

1、 问题:1. Finish the exercises on Pages 133-134(不用提交)2. Write an essay : The impact of technology on traditional reading and writing 
评分规则: 【 No less than 250 wordsStructure your ideas properly (thesis statement, topic sentences, transition/coherence)you may refer to pages 136-137 for help

Study Resources Recognizing and Revising Weak Statements

1、 问题:The recent crime wave in the country has several apparent causes.
答案: 【Acceptable

2、 问题:A rainstorm hit the city last summer.
答案: 【Weak

3、 问题:The city hall officials made a number of mistakes in their response to the rainstorm last summer.
答案: 【Acceptable 

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