2022大学慕课答案 《护士人文修养》(双语),2020助产、卓越(南方医科大学) 最新大学MOOC满分章节测试答案

2024年8月13日 分类:已完结 作者:站长


【作业】第一章 人文概述 Chapter 1Humanistic overview 第一章 小组任务 Chapter 1 Group Tasks

1、 问题:第一小组小组任务目标:1.明确护理人员应该具有哪些职业道德修养;护理人员的职业道德如何体现在工作中?2.学习优秀护士的品质,树立自己的人生榜样。3.通过团队合作学习的体会和收获。要求:1.以小组为单位,利用业余时间完成;2.以小组为单位准备4-5分钟的汇报,汇报形式:诗朗诵;汇报时间:2020年9月21日;3.以小组为单位完成一份作业报告(包括调查提纲、剧本、调研体会、课件等),同时上交电子版。4.课堂汇报及作业报告的综合表现作为平时成绩纳入课程成绩,占课程成绩的20%。
评分规则: 【 (第一小组)方法:1.课后查阅有关文献资料,拟定调查提纲;利用网络等各种媒体,调研护理人员的先进事迹;2.小组讨论、创作,课堂汇报。

2、 问题:第二小组小组任务目标:1.明确护理人文关怀的主要内容和具体体现;2.理解护理人文关怀对对护理工作的意义。3.通过团队合作学习的体会和收获。要求:1.以小组为单位,利用业余时间完成;汇报时间:2020年9月21日;2.以小组为单位准备2-3分钟的汇报,汇报形式:用一组“人体雕塑”体现人文关怀(注:展示“人体雕塑”的同学只摆pose,不可有语言、动作;可配“话外音”或“旁白”。3.以小组为单位完成一份作业报告(包括汇报提纲、解说词、调研体会、课件等),同时上交电子版。4.课堂汇报及作业报告的综合表现作为平时成绩纳入课程成绩,占课程成绩的20%。
评分规则: 【 方法:1.课后查阅有关文献资料,拟定汇报提纲;利用网络等各种媒体,调研护理人文关怀的具体表现;2.小组讨论、创作,课堂汇报。

第一章 人文概述 Chapter 1Humanistic overview 第一章小测 Chapter 1 Test

1、 问题:The new nurse, Xiao Zhu, was afraid of causing trouble by saying the wrong words, so he always answered "I don’t know, please ask the doctor" to the patient’s inquiries. This caused the patient’s dissatisfaction. The head nurse organized a general discussion on this issue. Your point of view : ( )  新护士小朱因为害怕说错话惹麻烦,对患者的询问一概回答“我不知道,请问医生去”,由此引发了患者的不满,护士长就此问题组织了全科的讨论,你的观点是:
A:  The most important thing for nurses is to have good operating skills, but not humanistic   护士最重要的是操作技术好,人文技能则不重要
B:Answering the patient’s questions is likely to cause disputes, while avoidance is better.  回答患者的问题容易引发纠纷,回避则比较安全
C:Nurses have limited knowledge, and there is no blame for not answering patients’ inquiries  护士知识有限,不回答患者的询问无可指责
D: Nurses should strengthen their studies and answer patient queries as accurately as possible护士应加强学习,尽可能准确地回答患者的询问
E:Answering patients’ inquiries is originally the responsibility of the doctor, not the nurse  回答患者的询问本来就是医生的责任,与护士无关
答案: 【 Nurses should strengthen their studies and answer patient queries as accurately as possible护士应加强学习,尽可能准确地回答患者的询问

2、 问题:The term "humanities" first appeared in (  )“人文”一词最早出现在
A:"Book of Songs"《诗经》
B:The Analects《论语》
C: "Li Sao"《离骚》
D:The Book of Changes《易经》
E:"Zuo Zhuan"   《左传》
答案: 【The Book of Changes《易经》

3、 问题:One day in August 2016, when Wang Mou, a 29-year-old Hebei nurse, was traveling with her family in Qingdao, she encountered a taxi driver who was in a coma due to a car accident and stopped breathing. She immediately gave him CPR. The ambulance came. What do you think: (  )2016年8月的一天,29岁的河北护士王某陪家人在青岛旅游时,路遇一名出租车司机因车祸致昏迷,心跳呼吸停止,她马上跪地对其进行心肺复苏,直到救护车赶来。你认为
A:Nurse Wang’s behavior reflects respect for life and should be praised王护士此举体现了对生命的尊重,应该点赞
B:Nurse Wang delayed the family’s travel because of saving people, it’s not worth it   王护士因为救人耽误了全家旅游,不值得
C:It’s wrong for Nurse Wang to not accompany her family well in order to save strangers   王护士为了救陌生人,没有陪好家人是不对的
D:Nurse Wang did not perform CPR in the place where she registered, what she have done does not advocate王护士不是在本人执业注册地实施救护行为,不提倡
E:Life is priceless, and the patient’s family must give Nurse Wang a material reward生命无价,病人家属必须给王护士物质酬谢
答案: 【Nurse Wang’s behavior reflects respect for life and should be praised王护士此举体现了对生命的尊重,应该点赞

4、 问题:Nursing is a profession with very humanistic characteristics. Which of the following arguments is wrong: (  )护理是极具人文特征的专业,下列论点哪项错误:(    )
A:The origin of nursing is caring for lif护理学的本源是关爱生命
B:The nature of nursing is the coupling of natural sciences and humanities 护理学的性质是自然科学与人文科学的耦合
C: The fundamental difference between nursing and other majors is the emphasis on technology 护理学与其它专业的根本区别是强调技术
D:The purpose of nursing is for people’s health   护理学的目的是帮助健康
E:The future of nursing needs humanistic spirit navigation   护理学的未来需要人文精神导航
答案: 【 The fundamental difference between nursing and other majors is the emphasis on technology 护理学与其它专业的根本区别是强调技术

5、 问题:The correct understanding of "humanities cultivation" is:对“人文修养”理解正确的是:
A:Humanistic cultivation refers to a person’s humanistic knowledge level人文修养是指一个人的人文知识水平
B: The higher the education, the higher the humanities cultivation     学历越高,人文修养就越高
C:Humanistic spirit is equivalent to humanistic cultivation有了人文精神就等于有了人文修养
D:The core of humanistic cultivation is to master the humanistic method    人文修养的核心是掌握人文方法
E:Mastering humanistic knowledge does not mean having humanistic cultivation    掌握人文知识并不等于拥有了人文修养
答案: 【Mastering humanistic knowledge does not mean having humanistic cultivation    掌握人文知识并不等于拥有了人文修养

【作业】第三章 护士的文化修养——Demonstration of nursing charm 第三章 小组任务 Chapter 3 Group Tasks

1、 问题:第三组小组汇报 传统文化风采汇报学习重点:解释文化与文化修养的有关概念——理解文化的概念、层次、功能——解释文化修养的概念学习方法建议:1、自学教材和PPT 要求:1、以小组为单位,利用业余时间完成2、围绕主题完成课堂汇报,时长10分钟,汇报时间9月9号。3、以小组为单位完成作业汇报,同时上交电子版。4、课堂汇报及作业报告的综合表现作为平时成绩纳入课堂成绩,占比20%。
评分规则: 【 课堂汇报及作业报告的综合表现作为平时成绩纳入课堂成绩,占比20%。

2、 问题:第四组小组汇报—小组角色扮演目标:分析多元文化与护理——多元文化的含义——文化与健康——多元文化与跨文化护理实践——树立正确的护理价值观学习方法建议:1、自学教材和PPT 2、观看视频微课要求:1、以小组为单位,利用业余时间完成2、小组角色扮演,课堂汇报,时长10分钟,汇报时间:2020年9月9日3、以小组为单位完成一段作业汇报(包括剧本、体会、ppt等),同时上交电子版。4、课堂汇报及作业报告的综合表现作为平时成绩纳入课堂成绩,占比20%。
评分规则: 【 课堂汇报及作业报告的综合表现作为平时成绩纳入课堂成绩,占比20%。

第三章 护士的文化修养——Demonstration of nursing charm 第三章小测 Chapter 3 Test

1、 问题:Nurse Xiao Liu works in the emergency room. During treatment, patients often encounter situations where patients do not cooperate with the “three checks and eight pairs” system. If once, the patient’s name should be asked before the infusion is given. The patient is busy playing mobile games and ignores it and asks many times. Later, he replied impatiently. After the puncture was successful, the name and the name of the medicine were found to be inconsistent. The patient said that he had misheard. Because the medicine was stopped in time, serious consequences were avoided. However, Xiao Liu was still criticized by the head nurse. Why the "three checks and eight pairs" should be implemented seriously?(     )护士小刘在急诊室工作,治疗时常遇到患者不配合“三查八对”制度的情况,如有一次,给患者输液前,询问患者姓名,患者忙于玩手机游戏不予理睬,多次询问后,才不耐烦的回答,穿刺成功后再次核对后发现姓名和药名不符,患者表示听错了,由于停药及时,避免了严重的后果,但是小刘还是受到了护士长的批评,根据案例,请思考为什么要认真执行“三查八对”?
A:"Three checks and eight pairs" is a material culture and the foundation of culture, which must be strictly observed三查八对”是一种物质文化,是文化的基础,必须严格遵
B: "Three Checks and Eight Pairs" is a behavioral culture, which is a practical culture and needs to be followed by nurses“三查八对”是一种行为文化,属实践文化,需要护士遵守
C:"Three checks and eight pairs" is a kind of institutional culture, a tangible carrier of management culture, which is conducive to external supervision and control“三查八对”是一种制度文化,是管理文化的一种有形载体,有利于外在监督与控制
D:"Three Checks and Eight Pairs" is a kind of spiritual culture, which is a long-term evolution of human beings in social practice and consciousness activities, and requires compliance三查八对”是一种精神文化,是人类在社会实践和意识活动中长期演化出来的,要求遵守
E:"Three Checks and Eight Pairs" is established by convention and does not belong to the cultural category“三查八对”是约定俗成的,不属于文化范畴
答案: 【"Three checks and eight pairs" is a kind of institutional culture, a tangible carrier of management culture, which is conducive to external supervision and control“三查八对”是一种制度文化,是管理文化的一种有形载体,有利于外在监督与控制

2、 问题:Regarding cultural understanding, which description is correct (  )关于文化的理解,描述正确的是(  )
A:Ancient Chinese "culture" focused on spiritual enlightenment function     中国古代“文化”专注于精神教化功能 
B:There is no fundamental difference between Western "culture" and "culture" in ancient Chinese civilization in terms of original meaning西方“文化”与中国古文明中的“文化”在原意上没有根本区别
C:Culture in a broad sense restricts culture to the spiritual realm of humans, including the products of human spiritual activities such as philosophy, religion, science, literature, and art.广义的文化把文化限定在人的精神领域,包括哲学、宗教、科学、文学、艺术等人的精神活动的产物
D:Culture is closely related to people and is part of human biology文化与人密切相关,是人的生物学组成部分
E:Human is the carrier of culture, it is culture itself人是文化的载体,是文化本身
答案: 【Ancient Chinese "culture" focused on spiritual enlightenment function     中国古代“文化”专注于精神教化功能 

3、 问题:Even if the language is not fluent, the Olympic spirit has the same influence on the people of all countries in the world, which reflects (  )即使语言不通,但是奥运精神对世界各国人民的影响都是一样的,这体现了(   )
A:Cultural universality文化的普同性
B:Universality of culture文化的普遍性
C:Cultural differences文化的差异性
D:Cultural regionality文化的区域性
E:Cultural generality文化的一般性
答案: 【Cultural universality文化的普同性

4、 问题:The view of death in Western culture believes that death is controlled by the mysterious forces of nature. This view does not deny which of the following: (  )西方文化中的死亡观认为死亡是由自然界的神秘力量控制,这种观点并没有否定下列哪项:(    )
答案: 【Particularity特殊性

5、 问题:Nurse Xiao Zhang said with emotion, "Now the knowledge is updated so fast! In the past, in order to go out and study, it was necessary to adjust the class, now you can study at home." With the advent of the "Internet +" era, the ways of human communication continue to be enriched, and the learning and training of nurses has also shifted from offline to online, using rich media methods such as online teaching. What kind of cultural function does this reflect? (  ) 护士小张感慨“现在知识更新真快!以往为了出去学习深造需要调班,现在在家就可以学习了”。随着“互联网+”时代的到来,人类交际方式不断丰富,护理人员的学习培训也由线下转向线上,采用网络教学等富媒体手段,这体现了文化的哪种功能?(   )
A:Economic function经济功能
B:Shaping function塑造功能
C:Carrier function载体功能
D:Cognitive function认知功能
E:Standard function规范功能
答案: 【Carrier function载体功能

第九章 人文关怀——The core and essence of nursing profession 第九章 小测验 Chapter 9 Test

1、 问题:Thinkers/theorists who emphasize universal love in their caring theories are: (    )在其关怀思想或理论中强调泛爱的思想家/理论家是:(   )
B:Lao Tzu老子
D:Nell Noddings内尔·诺丁思
E:Joanne Duffy乔安妮·达菲
答案: 【Zhuangzi庄子

2、 问题:The following indicators of the humanistic care process are (  )下列属于人文关怀过程指标的是(   )
A:Nurse-patient relationship护患关系
B:Average hospital stay患者平均住院日
C:Patient satisfaction患者满意度
D:Nurse professional satisfaction护士职业满意度
E:Medical expenses医疗费用
答案: 【Nurse-patient relationship护患关系

3、 问题:The wrong classification of the professional dimension of humanistic care ability is: (  )对于人文关怀能力职业维度分类错误的是:(   )
A:Medical humanistic care ability医学人文关怀能力
B:Teachers’ humanistic care ability教师人文关怀能力
C:Personal humanistic care ability个人人文关怀能力
D:Family humanistic care ability家庭人文关怀能力
E:Workers’ humanistic care ability工人人文关怀能力
答案: 【Personal humanistic care ability个人人文关怀能力

4、 问题:A nurse actively discovered that a silent patient had suicidal thoughts and persuaded him to give up suicidal behavior. Which one of the philanthropic care procedures did this show that the nurse used Dr. Watson’s humanistic care theory? (  )某护士主动发现一沉默不语的患者有自杀的意念并劝说其放弃自杀行为。这体现该护士运用了华生博士人文关怀理论博爱关怀程序的哪一个? (   )
A:Establish altruistic values树立利他主义价值观
B:Implement interpersonal health education实施人际健康教育
C:Establish a trust relationship建立信任关系
E:Create a good environment创造良好环境
答案: 【Sensitive具有敏感性

5、 问题:A patient registered in the outpatient clinic, lost his way, and looked confused. What the nurse should do at this time is: (  )一名患者在门诊挂号,迷失了方向,一脸迷茫,此时护士应该做的是:(   )
A:Do your own thing,affected not to see them.做自己的事,没看到一样
B:The nurse asked casually "what’s wrong with you"护士随口问“你怎么了”
C:The nurse introduced herself first, and then took the patient to restThe nurse introduced herself first, and then took the patient to rest.护士上前先自我介绍,然后带患者去休息
D:After the nurse asks the patient’s questions, he takes the patient to the clinic.护士问清患者疑问后,带患者到达诊室
E:Stare at the patient with a look of doubt. 用疑问的眼光注视患者
答案: 【After the nurse asks the patient’s questions, he takes the patient to the clinic.护士问清患者疑问后,带患者到达诊室

第二章 科学思维——Think scientifically, maintain and nurture-insert wise wings for nursing 小测验 Chapter 2 Te

1、 问题:The French doctor Lenac saw two children use "paddle" and "listen" to convey information on both sides of the seesaw. He was inspired and invented the stethoscope. Which of the following thinking forms is mainly used: (  )法国医生莱纳克看到两个小孩在跷跷板的两边用“划”和“听”的方式传递信息,受到启发,发明了听诊器,主要运用的是以下哪种思维形式:(  )
A:Inspirational thinking灵感思维 
B:Reverse Thinking逆向思维
C:Think ahead 超前思维
D:Associative thinking联想思维
E:Critical thinking批判思维
答案: 【Associative thinking联想思维

2、 问题:The characteristics of thinking are: (  )思维的特性是 :(  )
A:Visibility and concreteness形象性与具体性
B:Divergence and abstraction发散性与抽象性
C: Indirectness and abstraction间接性与抽象性
D:Generality and specificity概括性与具体性
E:Indirectness and generality间接性与概括性
答案: 【Indirectness and generality间接性与概括性

3、 问题:Nurses take the wholeness of the cognition object as the starting point of thinking, understand the relationship between the human body and the environment, physiology and psychology, part and whole, structure and function, reflecting which the quality of clinical thinking (  )护士在将认识对象的整体性作为思维起点,了解人体与环境、生理与心理、局部与整体、结构与功能之间的关系,体现了临床思维的品质是(   )

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