
Unit 1 How to Be an Effective Learner Unit 1 Exercise

1、 问题:An active listener ________.
A:jumps to conclusions about the speaker’s meaning
B:engages with the speaker
C:tries to recall everything the speaker says
D:is apt to be affected by physical distractions
答案: 【engages with the speaker

2、 问题:When you read critically, you are ________.
A:criticizing the writer
B:trying to memorize what is written
C:revising the writing
D:analyzing the evidence and the arguments
答案: 【analyzing the evidence and the arguments

3、 问题:To be a critical reader, you must be ________ first.
A:clear about your own purpose in reading
B:clear about your personal interest
C:clear about the writer’s writing style
D:clear about the strategies of critical reading
答案: 【clear about your own purpose in reading

4、 问题:Which of the following statements is correct?
A:Public speaking can be applied to many occasions in our life.
B:Great public speakers do not feel nervous.
C:A speaker tries to memorize the speech when he/she is in practice.
D:Using complicated language helps you to be a successful speaker.
答案: 【Public speaking can be applied to many occasions in our life.

5、 问题:What is the speaker mainly trying to do in a job interview?
A:The speaker is trying to enlighten the audience.
B:The speaker is trying to entertain the audience.
C:The speaker is trying to persuade and convince the audience.
D:The speaker is trying to teach something to the audience.
答案: 【The speaker is trying to persuade and convince the audience.

Unit 2 How to Ask Questions Critically Unit 2 Exercise

1、 问题:All thinking is defined by the __ that make it up.
A:ten elements
B:six elements
C:seven elements
D:eight elements
答案: 【eight elements

2、 问题:To think better we need to ___.
A:borrow other’s opinions and make a list of them
B:identify the components of thinking by asking essential questions
C:ask somebody to help us with our questions
D:list the questions
答案: 【identify the components of thinking by asking essential questions

3、 问题:The logic of decision-making is determined by___.
A:the consequences of the decision
B:the probability of success of the decision
C:the need to make a decision and the consequences that follow that need
D:the need to make a decision and the probability of success
答案: 【the need to make a decision and the consequences that follow that need

4、 问题:The goal of decision-making is to decide between some set of alternatives, the one ______.
A:that mostly benefits ourselves as well as others
B:that is easy for us to make achievement
C:that is within our budget
D:that is the most challenging for us
答案: 【that mostly benefits ourselves as well as others

5、 问题:With intellectual standards, the evaluation of reasoning that we make will ___.
A:come from personal preference
B:be accepted universally
C:be accepted by part of the audience
D:come from different opinions
答案: 【be accepted universally

Unit 3 How to Take Notes Unit 3 Exercise

1、 问题:What does TED stand for?
A:Topic, explanation, and details.
B:Technology, education, and design.
C:Think, elaborate, and define.
D:Theme, example, and debate.
答案: 【Topic, explanation, and details.

2、 问题:When we take notes, it is important for us to _____ before we go into details.
A:get the big picture of the message
B:jot down the credentials of the author
C:identify the faults in the speaker’s logic
D:look for linguistic signposts between main points
答案: 【get the big picture of the message

3、 问题:The strength of Cornell Note-taking system lies with its______.
答案: 【format

4、 问题:When we take notes , we can use__ to show relationship among ideas.
A:photos of the instructor’s ppt slides with drawings
B:headings and bullet points in indented outlines
C:pens of different colors and symbols
D:questions and summaries
答案: 【headings and bullet points in indented outlines

5、 问题:When we take notes while reading a research paper, we need to___ .
A:make sure that we understand everything
B:find answers to the questions in the abstract
C:focus on the conclusion of the findings
D:know the general construction of a paper
答案: 【know the general construction of a paper

Unit 4 How to Make a Definition Unit 4 Exercise

1、 问题:According to our lecture, there are generally three types of definition. They are sentence definition, _, and definition essay.
A:concept definition
B:word definition
C:extended definition
D:comparative definition
答案: 【extended definition

2、 问题: According to Webster dictionary, definition means a statement expressing the __ of something.
A:essential nature
B:similarity and difference
答案: 【essential nature

3、 问题: Which of the following is the best definition of “dictionary”?
A:A dictionary is the reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them.
B:The dictionary is the reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them.
C:The dictionary is a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them.
D:A dictionary is a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them.
答案: 【A dictionary is a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them.

4、 问题:Compared with the sentence definition, extended definition consists of _.
A:more data and figures
B:more examples
C:more stories
D:more content and ample information
答案: 【more content and ample information

5、 问题: From which perspective is the following definition given? A spacecraft is a vehicle, vessel or machine designed to fly in outer space. It is used for a variety of purposes, including communications, earth observation, meteorology, navigation, planetary exploration and transportation of humans and cargo.
A:Future prediction
C:Historical development
答案: 【Application

Unit 5 How to Reason by Causality Unit 5 Exercise

1、 问题:Which of the following is a possible cause of the event “the high speed train is underdeveloped in the US”?
A:Americans don’t like the high speed train.
B:Highway network is advanced.
C:The geography is unsuitable for the high speed train.
D:The high speed train damages environment.
答案: 【Highway network is advanced.

2、 问题:Which of the following is a possible effect of online shopping?
A:Fewer people go to shopping malls.
B:Prices decline.
C:Youngsters have eyesight problems.
D:Women spend more than men.
答案: 【Fewer people go to shopping malls.

3、 问题:When we evaluate the causal relationship between Spring Festival and consumption, which of the following places can test the simultaneous absence of the cause and effect?
A:Viet Nam

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