
Unit 6 The Value of Money 补充一个测试

1、 问题:Directions: Read the following text about friendship and loyalty. For questions 10-14, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the texts. 阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的4个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出1个最佳选项。 Student Loans Federal Student Aid is an office of the U.S. Department of Education that provides student loans for education beyond high school. The U.S. government clearly understands the importance of post-secondary education in positively impacting the nation. It therefore ensures that each eligible student in the United States is able to receive financial assistance for higher education.Although parents can opt for private funding through sources like banks and other financial institutions, the rates of interest can be prohibitively high in most cases. On the other hand, the interest rates of federally funded student loans are much less in comparison. It is therefore imperative that parents take all steps necessary to apply for student loans available through the federal government.Federal Student Aid is actively involved in educating students and their families on the exact procedure to obtain student loans. Once the applications are received, it processes them by the millions before the start of each academic year. It also pays out billions of dollars through schools to fund the education of students who have applied for financial aid.The first step in applying for financial aid is to fill and submit the FAFSA or Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The name of the student should be entered exactly the way it is written on the student’s social security card. The format used is ‘first name’, ‘middle initial’ and ‘last name’. Since the analysis bureau will be linking up the FAFSA with the social security number, the names should match precisely for the application to be approved. A mismatch in the names could result in the application being sent back for correction. This would cause a delay and end up pushing the applicant to the back of the line. Since most financial aid is provided on a first-come-first-served basis, it is important to be at the head of the line. Even a minor error on the FAFSA can result in a loss of thousands of dollars in financial aid.Therefore, it is important that families have all the proper income and tax records ready before applying for financial aid. This will help avoid submitting inconsistent, incomplete or mistaken information while filling out the FAFSA forms.The CSS PROFILE is the FAFSA equivalent that is most often required for aid through private universities. It could be a little more complicated than filling out the FAFSA form. Going through the entire process with the help of a certified college planner would be a good idea.No matter what their credit rating, parents should still submit their applications for financial aid. Learning about the different options available to them is the first step in the process. Doing it right will enhance their chances of getting student loans for their children’s higher education. 10. Federal Student Aid provides student loans for ____.
A: high school education
B:secondary education
C:higher education
D:pre-secondary education
答案: 【higher education

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